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*Term Subscription*Monthly Subscription*
Get a new set of children’s story books, activity books and play-way activity kits every month at your door-step.
These spark curiosity and foster reading habit in kids .
The box will contain one story book, one activity book and one activity kit delivered at the beginning of every month .
Also get to participate in the monthly “Creative Curatives”. Check out the Subscription section to know more .
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Meet Our Ceo & Founder !!
Hi !! I'm Deepika Ravikumar, a Software Developer by profession and a passionate children's author and illustrator.
As a mom of 2 wonderful kids, I was always fascinated to see how children learn and grow through play and stories.
We, parents are constantly searching for the perfect activities - books that inspire and tools that could
engage little ones, while kids explore the world around them.
The idea behind D Magical Book Store is to bring together all at one place - imaginative storybooks,
interactive activity books and play-based learning kits that make education fun , meaningful and accessible to every child.
With my software background and my creative thinking , we bring a structured and a thoughtful approach
to everything we offer at D Magical Book Store. We ensure that each one of our products not only entertain
but also help develop essential skills. Whether you're looking for bedtime stories ,hands on activities ,
gifts or a complete learning experience through our monthly subscription plan,
our goal is to make sure every child feels inspired and excited to learn .